Wheat is a vital crop in South Africa, playing a significant role in both the national economy and food security. The majority of South Africa's wheat is grown in three main regions: the Western Cape (368,000 hectares), Free State (49,000 hectares), and Northern Cape (38,000 hectares). With an annual production of approximately 2 million tons, wheat output can vary based on climatic conditions, market demands, and other economic factors. To meet the country's domestic needs, South Africa imports around 40-50% of its wheat, underscoring the importance of both local production and trade partnerships.

In South Africa, wheat is typically harvested from November to January, though specific timelines vary by region and wheat variety. For example, in the Western Cape, harvesting generally starts in late November and can extend well into January, with timing influenced by local climate conditions and planting schedules.
At Nu-Pro Commodities, we prioritise seamless, efficient farm-to-off-taker loading to ensure that wheat is transported directly from fields to mills across South Africa and even to neighbouring countries. Our commitment to streamlined delivery means that wheat reaches its destination promptly, supporting food production chains across the region and strengthening local and regional food supplies.